Hello! In this post i'm going to tell about my experiences in Dewa Athena.
Dewa athena is a sport competition for all 32019 and 32018. It consists of a few sports such as Gobak Sodor, soccer, basket, badminton, volley, dodgeball, relay race, and tug of war.
The title surely bears curiosity, for the fact that Athena is actually a greek goddess not god.
Anyway first off before we actually played the game we would get our class jersey first. A conspicuous piece of hot pink jersey.
I just had to emphasize the word conspicuous so much. The pink seriously stands out in a sea of cobalts and blacks i'm gonna tear up. Not complaining though, it was a result of the class's convention anyway.
I didn't particularly contribute much to the game.. I only played handball and that's probably it. Sports aren't my forte.
I don't remember the sequence of the games played, but all i remembered that we won a lot of games until final. Probably about 5 or something, i am not sure. Unfortunately we didn't win anything in the final against 32018, not gonna whine upon it for i barely did a thing..
But nevertheless, 5/8 games won against 32019? That's a hell of accomplishment! Even though the whole event irks me up just as much as other events, i still quite enjoyed it.
Here are a few photos taken in the event.