bonne journée; bienvenue mes amies!Holiday season has just passed and finally we're back to school.
Here i am back at it again with a blog nobody's been waiting for!
Okay so I am going to present to the world whatever the hey I've been working my bum off all along holidays.
I can't exactly say they were lit per se, but they were definitely not full of humdrum either. I managed to do things like improving my hobbies (drawing, singing, dancing) while also trying to exercise regularly so my muscles won't dissapear.
For the first few days i couldn't really figure out anything to do to spend my time on so i just stay at home surfing the internet. I felt like I need to go out of the boundaries sometimes so for some time i had been rocking a very unhealthy lifestyle by eating whatever i've always been longing to binge in.
Filled my days with a pile of peppermint candies, coke zero's, caffeine, cakes, chocolates, and just everything. I slept for only 5-6 hours and did things according to my convenience. Thoughts? It felt awesome.
I tried to find more activities to drown in whilst waiting for New Year's to come. I called a good friend of mine and we went to explore places and took some photos!

We went to various places such as the City Hall, Braga, and Paris van Java. We also made some melodies along the venture (she brought an ukulele with her LOL).
I didn't go outdoor much after that, i spent it on working on drawing projects and improving my skills in literature. Here are some of the work I made.

I had so much fun in the process. Art has always been my ultimate passion.
I suppose that sums up everything i did in my vacation. I genuinely hope that it amused you and may i wish you a good day.